Vocabulary : Delved to Demagogy

Delved : of Delve
Delver : One who digs, as with a spade.
Delving : of Delve
Demagnetize : To deprive of magnetic properties. See Magnetize. ;; To free from mesmeric influence; to demesmerize.
Demagog : Demagogue.
Demagogic : Alt. of Demagogical
Demagogical : Relating to, or like, a demagogue; factious.
Demagogism : The practices of a demagogue.
Demagogue : A leader of the rabble; one who attempts to control the multitude by specious or deceitful arts; an unprincipled and factious mob orator or political leader.
Demagogy : Demagogism.
Next : Demain, Demand, Demandable, Demandant, Demanded, Demander, Demanding, Demandress, Demantoid, Demarcate
Previous : Deluding, Deluge, Deluged, Deluging, Delundung, Delusion, Delusional, Delusive, Delusory, Delve
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