Vocabulary : Denticulated to Dentilation
Denticulated : Furnished with denticles; notched into little toothlike projections; as, a denticulate leaf of calyx.
Denticulation : The state of being set with small notches or teeth. ;; A diminutive tooth; a denticle.
Dentiferous : Bearing teeth; dentigerous.
Dentiform : Having the form of a tooth or of teeth; tooth-shaped.
Dentifrice : A powder or other substance to be used in cleaning the teeth; tooth powder.
Dentigerous : Bearing teeth or toothlike structures.
Dentil : A small square block or projection in cornices, a number of which are ranged in an ornamental band; -- used particularly in the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders.
Dentilabial : Formed by the teeth and the lips, or representing a sound so formed. ;; A dentilabial sound or letter.
Dentilated : Toothed.
Dentilation : Dentition.
: Dentilave, Dentile, Dentilingual, Dentiloquist, Dentiloquy, Dentine, Denting, Dentiphone, Dentiroster, Dentirostral
: Dentation, Dented, Dentel, Dentelle, Dentelli, Dentex, Dential, Denticete, Denticle, Denticulate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary