Vocabulary : Dentilave to Dentirostral
Dentilave : A wash for cleaning the teeth.
Dentile : A small tooth, like that of a saw.
Dentilingual : Produced by applying the tongue to the teeth or to the gums; or representing a sound so formed. ;; A dentilingual sound or letter.
Dentiloquist : One who speaks through the teeth, that is, with the teeth closed.
Dentiloquy : The habit or practice of speaking through the teeth, or with them closed.
Dentine : The dense calcified substance of which teeth are largely composed. It contains less animal matter than bone, and in the teeth of man is situated beneath the enamel.
Denting : of Dent
Dentiphone : An instrument which, placed against the teeth, conveys sound to the auditory nerve; an audiphone.
Dentiroster : A dentirostral bird.
Dentirostral : Having a toothed bill; -- applied to a group of passerine birds, having the bill notched, and feeding chiefly on insects, as the shrikes and vireos. See Illust. (N) under Beak.
: Dentirostrate, Dentirostres, Dentiscalp, Dentist, Dentistic, Dentistical, Dentistry, Dentition, Dentize, Dentized
: Denticulated, Denticulation, Dentiferous, Dentiform, Dentifrice, Dentigerous, Dentil, Dentilabial, Dentilated, Dentilation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary