Vocabulary : Dermobranchiate to Dermopterygii

Dermobranchiate : Having the skin modified to serve as a gill.
Dermohaemal : Pertaining to, or in relation with, both dermal and haemal structures; as, the dermohaemal spines or ventral fin rays of fishes.
Dermoid : Same as Dermatoid.
Dermoneural : Pertaining to, or in relation with, both dermal and neural structures; as, the dermoneural spines or dorsal fin rays of fishes.
Dermopathic : Dermatopathic.
Dermophyte : A dermatophyte.
Dermoptera : The division of insects which includes the earwigs (Forticulidae). ;; A group of lemuroid mammals having a parachutelike web of skin between the fore and hind legs, of which the colugo (Galeopithecus) is the type. See Colugo. ;; An order of Mammalia; the Cheiroptera.
Dermopteran : An insect which has the anterior pair of wings coriaceous, and does not use them in flight, as the earwig.
Dermopteri : Same as Dermopterygii.
Dermopterygii : A group of fishlike animals including the Marsipobranchiata and Leptocardia.
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