Vocabulary : Dermoskeleton to Derogated
Dermoskeleton : See Exoskeleton.
Dermostosis : Ossification of the dermis.
Dern : A gatepost or doorpost. ;; Hidden; concealed; secret. ;; Solitary; sad.
Derne : To hide; to skulk.
Dernful : Secret; hence, lonely; sad; mournful.
Dernier : Last; final.
Dernly : Secretly; grievously; mournfully.
Derogant : Derogatory.
Derogate : To annul in part; to repeal partly; to restrict; to limit the action of; -- said of a law. ;; To lessen; to detract from; to disparage; to depreciate; -- said of a person or thing. ;; To take away; to detract; to withdraw; -- usually with from. ;; To act beneath one-s rank, place, birth, or character; to degenerate. ;; Diminished in value; dishonored; degraded.
Derogated : of Derogate
: Derogately, Derogating, Derogation, Derogative, Derogator, Derogatorily, Derogatoriness, Derogatory, Derotremata, Derre
: Dermobranchiate, Dermohaemal, Dermoid, Dermoneural, Dermopathic, Dermophyte, Dermoptera, Dermopteran, Dermopteri, Dermopterygii
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary