Vocabulary : Deuterocanonical to Deuteroscopy
Deuterocanonical : Pertaining to a second canon, or ecclesiastical writing of inferior authority; -- said of the Apocrypha, certain Epistles, etc.
Deuterogamist : One who marries the second time.
Deuterogamy : A second marriage, after the death of the first husband of wife; -- in distinction from bigamy, as defined in the old canon law. See Bigamy.
Deuterogenic : Of secondary origin; -- said of certain rocks whose material has been derived from older rocks.
Deuteronomist : The writer of Deuteronomy.
Deuteronomy : The fifth book of the Pentateuch, containing the second giving of the law by Moses.
Deuteropathia : Alt. of Deuteropathy
Deuteropathic : Pertaining to deuteropathy; of the nature of deuteropathy.
Deuteropathy : A sympathetic affection of any part of the body, as headache from an overloaded stomach.
Deuteroscopy : Second sight. ;; That which is seen at a second view; a meaning beyond the literal sense; the second intention; a hidden signification.
: Deuterozooid, Deuthydroguret, Deuto-, Deutohydroguret, Deutoplasm, Deutoplastic, Deutosulphuret, Deutoxide, Deutzia, Dev
: Deturbate, Deturbation, Deturn, Deturpate, Deturpation, Deuce, Deuced, Deuse, Deused, Deut-
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary