Vocabulary : Deuterozooid to Dev

Deuterozooid : One of the secondary, and usually sexual, zooids produced by budding or fission from the primary zooids, in animals having alternate generations. In the tapeworms, the joints are deuterozooids.
Deuthydroguret : Same as Deutohydroguret.
Deuto- : Alt. of Deut-
Deutohydroguret : A compound containing in the molecule two atoms of hydrogen united with some other element or radical.
Deutoplasm : The lifeless food matter in the cytoplasm of an ovum or a cell, as distinguished from the active or true protoplasm; yolk substance; yolk.
Deutoplastic : Pertaining to, or composed of, deutoplasm.
Deutosulphuret : A disulphide.
Deutoxide : A compound containing in the molecule two atoms of oxygen united with some other element or radical; -- usually called dioxide, or less frequently, binoxide.
Deutzia : A genus of shrubs with pretty white flowers, much cultivated.
Dev : Alt. of Deva
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