Vocabulary : Dur to Durance

Dur : Major; in the major mode; as, C dur, that is, C major.
Dura : Short form for Dura mater.
Dura mater : The tough, fibrous membrane, which lines the cavity of the skull and spinal column, and surrounds the brain and spinal cord; -- frequently abbreviated to dura.
Durability : The state or quality of being durable; the power of uninterrupted or long continuance in any condition; the power of resisting agents or influences which tend to cause changes, decay, or dissolution; lastingness.
Durable : Able to endure or continue in a particular condition; lasting; not perishable or changeable; not wearing out or decaying soon; enduring; as, durable cloth; durable happiness.
Durableness : Power of lasting, enduring, or resisting; durability.
Durably : In a lasting manner; with long continuance.
Dural : Pertaining to the dura, or dura mater.
Duramen : The heartwood of an exogenous tree.
Durance : Continuance; duration. See Endurance. ;; Imprisonment; restraint of the person; custody by a jailer; duress. Shak. ;; A stout cloth stuff, formerly made in imitation of buff leather and used for garments; a sort of tammy or everlasting. ;; In modern manufacture, a worsted of one color used for window blinds and similar purposes.
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