Vocabulary : Durancy to Durene
Durancy : Duration.
Durant : See Durance, 3.
Durante : During; as, durante vita, during life; durante bene placito, during pleasure.
Duration : The state or quality of lasting; continuance in time; the portion of time during which anything exists.
Durative : Continuing; not completed; implying duration.
Durbar : An audience hall; the court of a native prince; a state levee; a formal reception of native princes, given by the governor general of India.
Dure : Hard; harsh; severe; rough; toilsome. ;; To last; to continue; to endure.
Dureful : Lasting.
Dureless : Not lasting.
Durene : A colorless, crystalline, aromatic hydrocarbon, C6H2(CH3)4, off artificial production, with an odor like camphor.
: Duress, Duressor, Durga, Durham, Durian, During, Durio, Durion, Durity, Durometer
: Dur, Dura, Dura mater, Durability, Durable, Durableness, Durably, Dural, Duramen, Durance
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary