Vocabulary : Kail to Kaiser
Kail : A kind of headless cabbage. Same as Kale, 1. ;; Any cabbage, greens, or vegetables. ;; A broth made with kail or other vegetables; hence, any broth; also, a dinner.
Kaimacam : Same as Caimacam.
Kain : Poultry, etc., required by the lease to be paid in kind by a tenant to his landlord.
Kainit : Salts of potassium used in the manufacture of fertilizers.
Kainite : A compound salt consisting chiefly of potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate, occurring at the Stassfurt salt mines in Prussian Saxony.
Kainozoic : See Cenozoic.
Kaique : See Caique.
Kairine : A pale buff or white crystalline alkaloid derived from quinoline, and used as an antipyretic in medicine.
Kairoline : An organic base obtained from quinoline. It is used as a febrifuge, and resembles kairine.
Kaiser : The ancient title of emperors of Germany assumed by King William of Prussia when crowned sovereign of the new German empire in 1871.
: Kaka, Kakapo, Kakaralli, Kakistocracy, Kakoxene, Kalan, Kalasie, Kale, Kaleege, Kaleidophon
: Kaffir, Kaffle, Kafilah, Kafir, Kaftan, Kage, Kagu, Kaguan, Kahani, Kahau
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary