Vocabulary : Kaka to Kaleidophon
Kaka : A New Zealand parrot of the genus Nestor, especially the brown parrot (Nestor meridionalis).
Kakapo : A singular nocturnal parrot (Strigops habroptilus), native of New Zealand. It lives in holes during the day, but is active at night. It resembles an owl in its colors and general appearance. It has large wings, but can fly only a short distance. Called also owl parrot, night parrot, and night kaka.
Kakaralli : A kind of wood common in Demerara, durable in salt water, because not subject to the depredations of the sea worm and barnacle.
Kakistocracy : Government by the worst men.
Kakoxene : See Cacoxene.
Kalan : The sea otter.
Kalasie : A long-tailed monkey of Borneo (Semnopithecus rubicundus). It has a tuft of long hair on the head.
Kale : A variety of cabbage in which the leaves do not form a head, being nearly the original or wild form of the species. ;; See Kail, 2.
Kaleege : One of several species of large, crested, Asiatic pheasants, belonging to the genus Euplocamus, and allied to the firebacks.
Kaleidophon : Alt. of Kaleidophone
: Kaleidophone, Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscopic, Kaleidoscopical, Kalendar, Kalendarial, Kalender, kalends, Kali, Kalif
: Kail, Kaimacam, Kain, Kainit, Kainite, Kainozoic, Kaique, Kairine, Kairoline, Kaiser
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary