Vocabulary : Khanate to Kiang
Khanate : Dominion or jurisdiction of a khan.
Khaya : A lofty West African tree (Khaya Senegalensis), related to the mahogany, which it resembles in the quality of the wood. The bark is used as a febrifuge.
Khedive : A governor or viceroy; -- a title granted in 1867 by the sultan of Turkey to the ruler of Egypt.
Khenna : See Henna.
Kholah : The Indian jackal.
Kholsun : The dhole.
Khond : A Dravidian of a group of tribes of Orissa, India, a section of whom were formerly noted for their cruel human sacrifices to the earth goddess, murder of female infants, and marriage by capture.
Khutbah : An address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, offering glory to God, praising Mohammed and his descendants, and the ruling princes.
Kiabooca wood : See Kyaboca wood.
Kiang : The dziggetai.
: Kibble, Kibblings, Kibe, Kibed, Kibitka, Kibitkas, Kiblah, Kibosh, Kiby, Kichil
: Keying, Keynote, Keyseat, Keystone, Keystone State, Keyway, Khaki, Khaliff, Khamsin, Khan
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary