Vocabulary : Kibble to Kichil

Kibble : To bruise; to grind coarsely; as, kibbled oats. ;; A large iron bucket used in Cornwall and Wales for raising ore out of mines.
Kibblings : Portions of small fish used for bait on the banks of Newfoundland.
Kibe : A chap or crack in the flesh occasioned by cold; an ulcerated chilblain.
Kibed : Chapped; cracked with cold; affected with chilblains; as kibed heels.
Kibitka : A tent used by the Kirghiz Tartars. ;; A rude kind of Russian vehicle, on wheels or on runners, sometimes covered with cloth or leather, and often used as a movable habitation.
Kibitkas : of Kibitka
Kiblah : See Keblah.
Kibosh : Nonsense; stuff; also, fashion; style. ;; Portland cement when thrown or blown into the recesses of carved stonework to intensify the shadows.
Kiby : Affected with kibes.
Kichil : See Kechil.
Next : Kick, Kickable, Kickapoos, Kicker, Kicking, Kickshaw, Kickshaws, Kickshawses, Kickshoe, Kicksy-wicksy
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