Vocabulary : Lacerate to Lacertilia
Lacerate : To tear; to rend; to separate by tearing; to mangle; as, to lacerate the flesh. Hence: To afflict; to torture; as, to lacerate the heart. ;; Alt. of Lacerated
Lacerated : of Lacerate ;; Rent; torn; mangled; as, a lacerated wound. ;; Jagged, or slashed irregularly, at the end, or along the edge.
Lacerating : of Lacerate
Laceration : The act of lacerating. ;; A breach or wound made by lacerating.
Lacerative : Lacerating, or having the power to lacerate; as, lacerative humors.
Lacert : A muscle of the human body.
Lacerta : A fathom. ;; A genus of lizards. See Lizard. ;; The Lizard, a northern constellation.
Lacerti : of Lacertus
Lacertian : Like a lizard; of or pertaining to the Lacertilia. ;; One of the Lacertilia.
Lacertilia : An order of Reptilia, which includes the lizards.
: Lacertilian, Lacertiloid, Lacertine, Lacertus, Lacewing, Lace-winged, Lache, Laches, Lachrymable, Lachrymae Christi
: Laccin, Laccolite, Laccolith, Lace, Lace-bark, Laced, Lacedaemonian, Laceman, Lacemen, Lacerable
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary