Vocabulary : Lacertilian to Lachrymae Christi
Lacertilian : Same as Lacertian.
Lacertiloid : Like or belonging to the Lacertilia.
Lacertine : Lacertian.
Lacertus : A bundle or fascicle of muscular fibers.
Lacewing : Any one of several species of neuropterous insects of the genus Chrysopa and allied genera. They have delicate, lacelike wings and brilliant eyes. Their larvae are useful in destroying aphids. Called also lace-winged fly, and goldeneyed fly.
Lace-winged : Having thin, transparent, reticulated wings; as, the lace-winged flies.
Lache : Neglect; negligence; remissness; neglect to do a thing at the proper time; delay to assert a claim.
Laches : Alt. of Lache
Lachrymable : Lamentable.
Lachrymae Christi : A rich, sweet, red Neapolitan wine.
: Lachrymal, Lachrymals, Lachrymary, Lachrymate, Lachrymation, Lachrymatory, Lachrymiform, Lachrymose, Lacing, Lacinia
: Lacerate, Lacerated, Lacerating, Laceration, Lacerative, Lacert, Lacerta, Lacerti, Lacertian, Lacertilia
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary