Vocabulary : Lacteal to Lactiferous
Lacteal : Pertaining to, or resembling, milk; milky; as, the lacteal fluid. ;; Pertaining to, or containing, chyle; as, the lacteal vessels. ;; One of the lymphatic vessels which convey chyle from the small intestine through the mesenteric glands to the thoracic duct; a chyliferous vessel.
Lacteally : Milkily; in the manner of milk.
Lactean : Milky; consisting of, or resembling, milk. ;; Lacteal; conveying chyle.
Lacteous : Milky; resembling milk. ;; Lacteal; conveying chyle; as, lacteous vessels.
Lacteously : In a lacteous manner; after the manner of milk.
Lactescence : The state or quality of producing milk, or milklike juice; resemblance to milk; a milky color. ;; The latex of certain plants. See Latex.
Lactescent : Having a milky look; becoming milky. ;; Producing milk or a milklike juice or fluid, as the milkweed. See Latex.
Lactic : Of or pertaining to milk; procured from sour milk or whey; as, lactic acid; lactic fermentation, etc.
Lactide : A white, crystalline substance, obtained from also, by extension, any similar substance.
Lactiferous : Bearing or containing milk or a milky fluid; as, the lactiferous vessels, cells, or tissue of various vascular plants.
: Lactific, Lactifical, Lactifuge, Lactim, Lactimide, Lactin, Lactoabumin, Lactobutyrometer, Lactodensimeter, Lactometer
: Lacrytory, Lactage, Lactam, Lactamic, Lactamide, Lactant, Lactarene, Lactary, Lactate, Lactation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary