Vocabulary : Lactific to Lactometer
Lactific : Alt. of Lactifical
Lactifical : Producing or yielding milk.
Lactifuge : A medicine to check the secretion of milk, or to dispel a supposed accumulation of milk in any part of the body.
Lactim : One of a series of anhydrides resembling the lactams, but of an imido type; as, isatine is a lactim. Cf. Lactam.
Lactimide : A white, crystalline substance obtained as an anhydride of alanine, and regarded as an imido derivative of lactic acid.
Lactin : See Lactose.
Lactoabumin : The albumin present on milk, apparently identical with ordinary serum albumin. It is distinct from the casein of milk.
Lactobutyrometer : An instrument for determining the amount of butter fat contained in a given sample of milk.
Lactodensimeter : A form of hydrometer, specially graduated, for finding the density of milk, and thus discovering whether it has been mixed with water or some of the cream has been removed.
Lactometer : An instrument for estimating the purity or richness of milk, as a measuring glass, a specific gravity bulb, or other apparatus.
: Lactone, Lactonic, Lactoprotein, Lactory, Lactoscope, Lactose, Lactuca, Lactucarium, Lactucic, Lactucin
: Lacteal, Lacteally, Lactean, Lacteous, Lacteously, Lactescence, Lactescent, Lactic, Lactide, Lactiferous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary