Vocabulary : Lair to Lakelet
Lair : A place in which to lie or rest; especially, the bed or couch of a wild beast. ;; A burying place. ;; A pasture; sometimes, food.
Laird : A lord; a landholder, esp. one who holds land directly of the crown.
Lairdship : The state of being a laird; an estate; landed property.
Laism : See Lamaism.
Laissez faire : Noninterference; -- an axiom of some political economists, deprecating interference of government by attempts to foster or regulate commerce, manufactures, etc., by bounty or by restriction; as, the doctrine of laissez faire; the laissez faire system government.
Laity : The people, as distinguished from the clergy; the body of the people not in orders. ;; The state of a layman. ;; Those who are not of a certain profession, as law or medicine, in distinction from those belonging to it.
Lakao : Sap green.
Lake : A pigment formed by combining some coloring matter, usually by precipitation, with a metallic oxide or earth, esp. with aluminium hydrate; as, madder lake; Florentine lake; yellow lake, etc. ;; A kind of fine white linen, formerly in use. ;; To play; to sport. ;; A large body of water contained in a depression of the earth's surface, and supplied from the drainage of a more or less extended area.
Lake-dweller : See Lake dwellers, under Lake.
Lakelet : A little lake.
: Laker, Lakeweed, Lakh, Lakin, Lakke, Laky, Lallation, Lalo, Lam, Lama
: Laguay, Lagune, Laic, Laical, Laicality, Laically, Laid, Laidly, Lain, Lainere
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary