Vocabulary : Laker to Lama
Laker : One that is connected with a lake or lakes, as in habitation, toil, etc.: ;; One of the poets of the Lake school. See Lake poets, under Lake, n. ;; A fish living in, or taken from, a lake, esp. the namaycush. ;; A lake steamer or canal boat.
Lakeweed : The water pepper (Polygonum Hydropiper), an aquatic plant of Europe and North America.
Lakh : One hundred thousand; also, a vaguely great number; as, a lac of rupees. ;; Same as Lac, one hundred thousand.
Lakin : See Ladykin.
Lakke : See Lack.
Laky : Pertaining to a lake. ;; Transparent; -- said of blood rendered transparent by the action of some solvent agent on the red blood corpuscles.
Lallation : An imperfect enunciation of the letter r, in which it sounds like l.
Lalo : The powdered leaves of the baobab tree, used by the Africans to mix in their soup. Cf. Couscous.
Lam : To beat soundly; to thrash.
Lama : See Llama. ;; In Thibet, Mongolia, etc., a priest or monk of the belief called Lamaism.
: Lamaic, Lamaism, Lamaist, Lamaistic, Lamaite, Lamantin, Lamarckian, Lamarckianism, Lamarckism, Lamasery
: Lair, Laird, Lairdship, Laism, Laissez faire, Laity, Lakao, Lake, Lake-dweller, Lakelet
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary