Vocabulary : Languor to Lanier
Languor : A state of the body or mind which is caused by exhaustion of strength and characterized by a languid feeling; feebleness; lassitude; laxity. ;; Any enfeebling disease. ;; Listless indolence; dreaminess. Pope.
Languorous : Producing, or tending to produce, languor; characterized by languor.
Langure : To languish.
Langya : One of several species of East Indian and Asiatic fresh-water fishes of the genus Ophiocephalus, remarkable for their power of living out of water, and for their tenacity of life; -- called also walking fishes.
Laniard : See Lanyard.
Laniariform : Shaped like a laniary, or canine, tooth.
Laniary : Lacerating or tearing; as, the laniary canine teeth. ;; The shambles; a place of slaughter. ;; A laniary, or canine, tooth.
Laniate : To tear in pieces.
Laniation : A tearing in pieces.
Lanier : A thong of leather; a whip lash. ;; A strap used to fasten together parts of armor, to hold the shield by, and the like.
: Laniferous, Lanifical, Lanifice, Lanigerous, Lanioid, Lank, Lankiness, Lankly, Lankness, Lanky
: Languente, Languet, Languid, Languish, Languished, Languisher, Languishing, Languishingly, Languishment, Languishness
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary