Vocabulary : Laniferous to Lanky
Laniferous : Bearing or producing wool.
Lanifical : Working in wool.
Lanifice : Anything made of wool.
Lanigerous : Bearing or producing wool.
Lanioid : Of or pertaining to the shrikes (family Laniidae).
Lank : Slender and thin; not well filled out; not plump; shrunken; lean. ;; Languid; drooping. ;; To become lank; to make lank.
Lankiness : The condition or quality or being lanky.
Lankly : In a lank manner.
Lankness : The state or quality of being lank.
Lanky : Somewhat lank.
: Lanner, Lanneret, Lanolin, Lanseh, Lansquenet, Lant, Lantanium, Lantanum, Lantanuric, Lanterloo
: Languor, Languorous, Langure, Langya, Laniard, Laniariform, Laniary, Laniate, Laniation, Lanier
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary