Vocabulary : Lanner to Lanterloo
Lanner : Alt. of Lanneret
Lanneret : A long-tailed falcon (Falco lanarius), of Southern Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa, resembling the American prairie falcon.
Lanolin : A peculiar fatlike body, made up of cholesterin and certain fatty acids, found in feathers, hair, wool, and keratin tissues generally.
Lanseh : The small, whitish brown fruit of an East Indian tree (Lansium domesticum). It has a fleshy pulp, with an agreeable subacid taste.
Lansquenet : A German foot soldier in foreign service in the 15th and 16th centuries; a soldier of fortune; -- a term used in France and Western Europe. ;; A game at cards, vulgarly called lambskinnet.
Lant : Urine. ;; Any one of several species of small, slender, marine fishes of the genus Ammedytes. The common European species (A. tobianus) and the American species (A. Americanus) live on sandy shores, buried in the sand, and are caught in large quantities for bait. Called also launce, and sand eel. ;; See Lanterloo.
Lantanium : Alt. of Lantanum
Lantanum : See Lanthanum.
Lantanuric : Pertaining to, or designating, a nitrogenous organic acid of the uric acid group, obtained by the decomposition of allantoin, and usually called allanturic acid.
Lanterloo : An old name of loo (a).
: Lantern, Lanterned, Lanterning, Lantern-jawed, Lanthanite, Lanthanum, Lanthopine, Lanthorn, Lanuginose, Lanuginous
: Laniferous, Lanifical, Lanifice, Lanigerous, Lanioid, Lank, Lankiness, Lankly, Lankness, Lanky
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary