Vocabulary : Laurin to Lavalliere
Laurin : A white crystalline substance extracted from the fruit of the bay (Laurus nobilis), and consisting of a complex mixture of glycerin ethers of several organic acids.
Laurinol : Ordinary camphor; -- so called in allusion to the family name (Lauraceae) of the camphor trees. See Camphor.
Lauriol : Spurge laurel.
Laurite : A rare sulphide of osmium and ruthenium found with platinum in Borneo and Oregon.
Laurone : The ketone of lauric acid.
Laurus : A genus of trees including, according to modern authors, only the true laurel (Laurus nobilis), and the larger L. Canariensis of Madeira and the Canary Islands. Formerly the sassafras, the camphor tree, the cinnamon tree, and several other aromatic trees and shrubs, were also referred to the genus Laurus.
Laus : Loose.
Lautverschiebung : The regular changes which the primitive Indo-European stops, or mute consonants, underwent in the Teutonic languages, probably as early as the 3d century b. c. , often called the first Lautverschiebung, sound shifting, or consonant shifting. ;; A somewhat similar set of changes taking place in the High German dialects (less fully in modern literary German) from the 6th to the 8th century, known as the second Lautverschiebung, the result of which form the striking differences between High German and The Low German Languages. The statement of these changes is commonly regarded as forming part of Grimm's law, because included in it as originally framed.
Lava : The melted rock ejected by a volcano from its top or fissured sides. It flows out in streams sometimes miles in length. It also issues from fissures in the earth's surface, and forms beds covering many square miles, as in the Northwestern United States.
Lavalliere : A neck ornament consisting of a chain and single pendant, or drop.
: Lavaret, Lavatic, Lavation, Lavatories, Lavatory, Lavature, Lave, Laved, Lave-eared, Laveer
: Laureateship, Laureating, Laureation, Laurel, Laureled, Laurentian, Laurer, Laurestine, Lauric, Lauriferous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary