Vocabulary : Lavaret to Laveer
Lavaret : A European whitefish (Coregonus laveretus), found in the mountain lakes of Sweden, Germany, and Switzerland.
Lavatic : Like lava, or composed of lava; lavic.
Lavation : A washing or cleansing.
Lavatories : of Lavatory
Lavatory : Washing, or cleansing by washing. ;; A place for washing. ;; A basin or other vessel for washing in. ;; A wash or lotion for a diseased part. ;; A place where gold is obtained by washing.
Lavature : A wash or lotion.
Lave : To wash; to bathe; as, to lave a bruise. ;; To bathe; to wash one's self. ;; To lade, dip, or pour out. ;; The remainder; others.
Laved : of Lave
Lave-eared : Having large, pendent ears.
Laveer : To beat against the wind; to tack.
: Lavement, Lavender, Laver, Laverock, Lavic, Laving, Lavish, Lavished, Lavisher, Lavishing
: Laurin, Laurinol, Lauriol, Laurite, Laurone, Laurus, Laus, Lautverschiebung, Lava, Lavalliere
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary