Vocabulary : Lay shaft to Layshaft
Lay shaft : Alt. of Layshaft
Layer : One who, or that which, lays. ;; That which is laid; a stratum; a bed; one thickness, course, or fold laid over another; as, a layer of clay or of sand in the earth; a layer of bricks, or of plaster; the layers of an onion. ;; A shoot or twig of a plant, not detached from the stock, laid under ground for growth or propagation. ;; An artificial oyster bed.
Layering : A propagating by layers.
Layette : The outfit of clothing, blankets, etc., prepared for a newborn infant, and placed ready for used.
Laying : of Lay ;; The act of one who, or that which, lays. ;; The act or period of laying eggs; the eggs laid for one incubation; a clutch. ;; The first coat on laths of plasterer's two-coat work.
Layland : Land lying untilled; fallow ground.
Layman : One of the people, in distinction from the clergy; one of the laity; sometimes, a man not belonging to some particular profession, in distinction from those who do. ;; A lay figure. See under Lay, n. (above).
Laymen : of Layman
Layner : A whiplash.
Layshaft : A secondary shaft, as in a sliding change gear for an automobile; a cam shaft operated by a two-to-one gear in an internal-combustion engine. It is generally a shaft moving more or less independently of the other parts of a machine, as, in some marine engines, a shaft, driven by a small auxiliary engine, for independently operating the valves of the main engine to insure uniform motion.
: Layship, Laystall, Lazar, Lazaret, Lazaret fever, Lazaretto, Lazarist, Lazarite, Lazarlike, Lazarly
: Lax, Laxation, Laxative, Laxativeness, Laxator, Laxity, Laxly, Laxness, Lay, Lay reader
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary