Vocabulary : Layship to Lazarly
Layship : The condition of being a layman.
Laystall : A place where rubbish, dung, etc., are laid or deposited. ;; A place where milch cows are kept, or cattle on the way to market are lodged.
Lazar : A person infected with a filthy or pestilential disease; a leper.
Lazaret : Alt. of Lazaretto ;; Alt. of Lazaretto
Lazaret fever : Typhus fever.
Lazaretto : A public building, hospital, or pesthouse for the reception of diseased persons, particularly those affected with contagious diseases. ;; A low space under the after part of the main deck, used as a storeroom.
Lazarist : Alt. of Lazarite
Lazarite : One of the Congregation of the Priests of the Mission, a religious institute founded by Vincent de Paul in 1624, and popularly called Lazarists or Lazarites from the College of St. Lazare in Paris, which was occupied by them until 1792.
Lazarlike : Alt. of Lazarly
Lazarly : Full of sores; leprous.
: Lazaroni, Lazarwort, Laze, Lazed, Lazily, Laziness, Lazing, Lazuli, Lazulite, Lazy
: Lay shaft, Layer, Layering, Layette, Laying, Layland, Layman, Laymen, Layner, Layshaft
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary