Vocabulary : Lenten to Lenticulas

Lenten : Lent. ;; Of or pertaining to the fast called Lent; used in, or suitable to, Lent; as, the Lenten season. ;; Spare; meager; plain; somber; unostentatious; not abundant or showy.
Lententide : The season of Lenten or Lent.
Lenticel : One of the small, oval, rounded spots upon the stem or branch of a plant, from which the underlying tissues may protrude or roots may issue, either in the air, or more commonly when the stem or branch is covered with water or earth. ;; A small, lens-shaped gland on the under side of some leaves.
Lenticellate : Producing lenticels; dotted with lenticels.
Lenticelle : Lenticel.
Lenticula : A kind of eruption upon the skin; lentigo; freckle. ;; A lens of small size. ;; A lenticel.
Lenticulae : of Lenticula
Lenticular : Resembling a lentil in size or form; having the form of a double-convex lens.
Lenticularly : In the manner of a lens; with a curve.
Lenticulas : of Lenticula
Next : Lentiform, Lentiginose, Lentiginous, Lentigo, Lentil, Lentiscus, Lentisk, Lentitude, Lento, Lentoid
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