Vocabulary : Lentiform to Lentoid
Lentiform : Lenticular.
Lentiginose : Bearing numerous dots resembling freckles.
Lentiginous : Of or pertaining to lentigo; freckly; scurfy; furfuraceous.
Lentigo : A freckly eruption on the skin; freckles.
Lentil : A leguminous plant of the genus Ervum (Ervum Lens), of small size, common in the fields in Europe. Also, its seed, which is used for food on the continent.
Lentiscus : Alt. of Lentisk
Lentisk : A tree; the mastic. See Mastic.
Lentitude : Slowness; sluggishness.
Lento : Slow; in slow time; slowly; -- rarely written lente.
Lentoid : Having the form of a lens; lens-shaped.
: Lentor, Lentous, L'envoi, L'envoy, Leo, Leod, Leon, Leonced, Leonese, Leonid
: Lenten, Lententide, Lenticel, Lenticellate, Lenticelle, Lenticula, Lenticulae, Lenticular, Lenticularly, Lenticulas
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary