Vocabulary : Leper to Lepidoganoid
Leper : A person affected with leprosy.
Lepered : Affected or tainted with leprosy.
Leperize : To affect with leprosy.
Leperous : Leprous; infectious; corrupting; poisonous.
Lepid : Pleasant; jocose.
Lepidine : An organic base, C9H6.N.CH3, metameric with quinaldine, and obtained by the distillation of cinchonine.
Lepidodendrid : One of an extinct family of trees allied to the modern club mosses, and including Lepidodendron and its allies.
Lepidodendroid : Allied to, or resembling, Lepidodendron. ;; A lepidodendrid.
Lepidodendron : A genus of fossil trees of the Devonian and Carboniferous ages, having the exterior marked with scars, mostly in quincunx order, produced by the separation of the leafstalks.
Lepidoganoid : Any one of a division (Lepidoganoidei) of ganoid fishes, including those that have scales forming a coat of mail. Also used adjectively.
: Lepidolite, Lepidomelane, Lepidopter, Lepidoptera, Lepidopteral, Lepidopterist, Lepidopterous, Lepidosauria, Lepidosiren, Lepidote
: Leonine, Leontodon, Leopard, Leopard's bane, Leopardwood, Lep, Lepadite, Lepadoid, Lepal, Lepas
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary