Vocabulary : Lepidolite to Lepidote
Lepidolite : A species of mica, of a lilac or rose-violet color, containing lithia. It usually occurs in masses consisting of small scales. See Mica.
Lepidomelane : An iron-potash mica, of a raven-black color, usually found in granitic rocks in small six-sided tables, or as an aggregation of minute opaque scales. See Mica.
Lepidopter : One of the Lepidoptera.
Lepidoptera : An order of insects, which includes the butterflies and moths. They have broad wings, covered with minute overlapping scales, usually brightly colored.
Lepidopteral : Alt. of Lepidopterous
Lepidopterist : One who studies the Lepidoptera.
Lepidopterous : Of or pertaining to the Lepidoptera.
Lepidosauria : A division of reptiles, including the serpents and lizards; the Plagiotremata.
Lepidosiren : An eel-shaped ganoid fish of the order Dipnoi, having both gills and lungs. It inhabits the rivers of South America. The name is also applied to a related African species (Protopterus annectens). The lepidosirens grow to a length of from four to six feet. Called also doko.
Lepidote : Alt. of Lepidoted
: Lepidoted, Lepisma, Lepismoid, Leporine, Lepra, Lepre, Leprose, Leprosity, Leprosy, Leprous
: Leper, Lepered, Leperize, Leperous, Lepid, Lepidine, Lepidodendrid, Lepidodendroid, Lepidodendron, Lepidoganoid
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary