Vocabulary : Lepidoted to Leprous
Lepidoted : Having a coat of scurfy scales, as the leaves of the oleaster.
Lepisma : A genus of wingless thysanurous insects having an elongated flattened body, covered with shining scales and terminated by seven unequal bristles. A common species (Lepisma saccharina) is found in houses, and often injures books and furniture. Called also shiner, silver witch, silver moth, and furniture bug.
Lepismoid : Like or pertaining to the Lepisma.
Leporine : Of or pertaining to a hare; like or characteristic of, a hare.
Lepra : Leprosy.
Lepre : Leprosy.
Leprose : Covered with thin, scurfy scales.
Leprosity : The state or quality of being leprous or scaly; also, a scale.
Leprosy : A cutaneous disease which first appears as blebs or as reddish, shining, slightly prominent spots, with spreading edges. These are often followed by an eruption of dark or yellowish prominent nodules, frequently producing great deformity. In one variety of the disease, anaesthesia of the skin is a prominent symptom. In addition there may be wasting of the muscles, falling out of the hair and nails, and distortion of the hands and feet with destruction of the bones and joints. It is incurable, and is probably contagious.
Leprous : Infected with leprosy; pertaining to or resembling leprosy. ;; Leprose.
: Lepry, Leptiform, Leptocardia, Leptocardian, Leptodactyl, Leptodactylous, Leptology, Leptomeningitis, Leptorhine, Leptostraca
: Lepidolite, Lepidomelane, Lepidopter, Lepidoptera, Lepidopteral, Lepidopterist, Lepidopterous, Lepidosauria, Lepidosiren, Lepidote
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary