Vocabulary : Leuke to Levator
Leuke : Alt. of Leukeness
Leukeness : See Luke, etc.
Leukoplast : See Leucoplast.
Levana : A goddess who protected newborn infants.
Levant : Rising or having risen from rest; -- said of cattle. See Couchant and levant, under Couchant. ;; The countries washed by the eastern part of the Mediterranean and its contiguous waters. ;; A levanter (the wind so called). ;; Eastern. ;; To run away from one's debts; to decamp.
Levanter : One who levants, or decamps. ;; A strong easterly wind peculiar to the Mediterranean.
Levantine : Of or pertaining to the Levant. ;; A native or inhabitant of the Levant. ;; A stout twilled silk fabric, formerly made in the Levant.
Levari facias : A writ of execution at common law.
Levation : The act of raising; elevation; upward motion, as that produced by the action of a levator muscle.
Levator : A muscle that serves to raise some part, as the lip or the eyelid. ;; A surgical instrument used to raise a depressed part of the skull.
: Leve, Leveche, Levee, Levee en masse, Leveful, Level, Leveled, Leveler, Leveling, Levelism
: Leucopyrite, Leucorrhoea, Leucoryx, Leucoscope, Leucosoid, Leucosphere, Leucoturic, Leucous, Leucoxene, Leukaemia
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