Vocabulary : Leve to Levelism
Leve : Dear. See Lief. ;; Same as 3d & 4th Leave. ;; To live. ;; To believe. ;; To grant; -- used esp. in exclamations or prayers followed by a dependent clause.
Leveche : A dry sirocco of Spain.
Levee : The act of rising. ;; A morning assembly or reception of visitors, -- in distinction from a soiree, or evening assembly; a matinee; hence, also, any general or somewhat miscellaneous gathering of guests, whether in the daytime or evening; as, the president's levee. ;; To attend the levee or levees of. ;; An embankment to prevent inundation; as, the levees along the Mississippi; sometimes, the steep bank of a river. ;; To keep within a channel by means of levees; as, to levee a river.
Levee en masse : See Levy in mass, under Levy, n.
Leveful : Allowable; permissible; lawful.
Level : A line or surface to which, at every point, a vertical or plumb line is perpendicular; a line or surface which is everywhere parallel to the surface of still water; -- this is the true level, and is a curve or surface in which all points are equally distant from the center of the earth, or rather would be so if the earth were an exact sphere. ;; A horizontal line or plane; that is, a straight line or a plane which is tangent to a true level at a given point and hence parallel to the horizon at that point; -- this is the apparent level at the given point. ;; An approximately horizontal line or surface at a certain degree of altitude, or distance from the center of the earth; as, to climb from the level of the coast to the level of the plateau and then descend to the level of the valley or of the sea. ;; Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc., conceived of as in one of several planes of different elevation. ;; A uniform or average height; a normal plane or alti
Leveled : of Level
Leveler : One who, or that which, levels. ;; One who would remove social inequalities or distinctions; a socialist.
Leveling : of Level ;; The act or operation of making level. ;; The art or operation of using a leveling instrument for finding a horizontal line, for ascertaining the differences of level between different points of the earth's surface included in a survey, for establishing grades, etc., as in finding the descent of a river, or locating a line of railroad.
Levelism : The disposition or endeavor to level all distinctions of rank in society.
: Levelled, Levelling, Levelly, Levelness, Leven, Lever, Leverage, Leveret, Leverock, Leverwood
: Leuke, Leukeness, Leukoplast, Levana, Levant, Levanter, Levantine, Levari facias, Levation, Levator
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary