Vocabulary : Licour to Lied

Licour : Liquor.
Lictor : An officer who bore an ax and fasces or rods, as ensigns of his office. His duty was to attend the chief magistrates when they appeared in public, to clear the way, and cause due respect to be paid to them, also to apprehend and punish criminals.
Lid : That which covers the opening of a vessel or box, etc.; a movable cover; as, the lid of a chest or trunk. ;; The cover of the eye; an eyelid. ;; The cover of the spore cases of mosses. ;; A calyx which separates from the flower, and falls off in a single piece, as in the Australian Eucalypti. ;; The top of an ovary which opens transversely, as in the fruit of the purslane and the tree which yields Brazil nuts.
Lidded : Covered with a lid.
Lidge : Same as Ledge.
Lidless : Having no lid, or not covered with the lids, as the eyes; hence, sleepless; watchful.
Lie : See Lye. ;; A falsehood uttered or acted for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth; an untruth spoken with the intention to deceive. ;; A fiction; a fable; an untruth. ;; Anything which misleads or disappoints. ;; To utter falsehood with an intention to deceive; to say or do that which is intended to deceive another, when he a right to know the truth, or when morality requires a just representation. ;; To rest extended on the ground, a bed, or any support; to be, or to put one's self, in an horizontal position, or nearly so; to be prostate; to be stretched out; -- often with down, when predicated of living creatures; as, the book lies on the table; the snow lies on the roof; he lies in his coffin. ;; To be situated; to occupy a certain place; as, Ireland lies west of England; the meadows lie along the river; the ship lay in port. ;; To abide; to remain for a longer or shorter time; to be in a certain state or condition; as, to lie waste; to lie fallow; to lie open; to lie hid; to lie gri
Lieberkuhn : A concave metallic mirror attached to the object-glass end of a microscope, to throw down light on opaque objects; a reflector.
Lieberkuhn's glands : The simple tubular glands of the small intestines; -- called also crypts of Lieberkuhn.
Lied : of Lie ;; A lay; a German song. It differs from the French chanson, and the Italian canzone, all three being national.
Next : Lieder, Liederkranz, Liedertafel, Lief, Liefsome, Liegance, Liege, Liegeman, Liegemen, Lieger
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