Vocabulary : Lieder to Lieger
Lieder : of Lied
Liederkranz : Lit., wreath of songs; -- used as the title of a group of songs, and esp. as the common name for German vocal clubs of men.
Liedertafel : A popular name for any society or club which meets for the practice of male part songs.
Lief : Same as Lif. ;; Dear; beloved. ;; Pleasing; agreeable; acceptable; preferable. ;; Willing; disposed. ;; A dear one; a sweetheart. ;; Gladly; willingly; freely; -- now used only in the phrases, had as lief, and would as lief; as, I had, or would, as lief go as not.
Liefsome : Pleasing; delightful.
Liegance : Same as Ligeance.
Liege : Sovereign; independent; having authority or right to allegiance; as, a liege lord. ;; Serving an independent sovereign or master; bound by a feudal tenure; obliged to be faithful and loyal to a superior, as a vassal to his lord; faithful; loyal; as, a liege man; a liege subject. ;; Full; perfect; complete; pure. ;; A free and independent person; specif., a lord paramount; a sovereign. ;; The subject of a sovereign or lord; a liegeman.
Liegeman : Same as Liege, n., 2.
Liegemen : of Liegeman
Lieger : A resident ambassador.
: Liegiancy, lien, Lienal, Lienculi, Lienculus, Lieno-intestinal, Lienteric, Lientery, Lier, Lierne rib
: Licour, Lictor, Lid, Lidded, Lidge, Lidless, Lie, Lieberkuhn, Lieberkuhn's glands, Lied
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary