Vocabulary : Liegiancy to Lierne rib
Liegiancy : See Ligeance.
lien : of Lie ;; of Lie. See Lain. ;; A legal claim; a charge upon real or personal property for the satisfaction of some debt or duty; a right in one to control or hold and retain the property of another until some claim of the former is paid or satisfied. ;; A charge, lien, etc., that successively attaches to such assets as a person may have from time to time, leaving him more or less free to dispose of or encumber them as if no such charge or lien existed.
Lienal : Of or pertaining to the spleen; splenic.
Lienculi : of Lienculus
Lienculus : One of the small nodules sometimes found in the neighborhood of the spleen; an accessory or supplementary spleen.
Lieno-intestinal : Of or pertaining to the spleen and intestine; as, the lieno-intestinal vein of the frog.
Lienteric : Of or pertaining to, or of the nature of, a lientery. ;; A lientery.
Lientery : A diarrhea, in which the food is discharged imperfectly digested, or with but little change.
Lier : One who lies down; one who rests or remains, as in concealment.
Lierne rib : In Gothic vaulting, any rib which does not spring from the impost and is not a ridge rib, but passes from one boss or intersection of the principal ribs to another.
: Lieu, Lieutenancy, Lieutenant, Lieutenant general, Lieutenantry, Lieutenantship, Lieve, Lif, Life, Lifeblood
: Lieder, Liederkranz, Liedertafel, Lief, Liefsome, Liegance, Liege, Liegeman, Liegemen, Lieger
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary