Vocabulary : Limitarian to Limitive
Limitarian : Tending to limit.Limitary : Placed at the limit, as a guard. ;; Confined within limits; limited in extent, authority, power, etc. ;; Limiting, or tending to limit; restrictive. ;; That which serves to limit; a boundary; border land. ;; A limiter. See Limiter, 2.
Limitate : Bounded by a distinct line.
Limitation : The act of limiting; the state or condition of being limited; as, the limitation of his authority was approved by the council. ;; That which limits; a restriction; a qualification; a restraining condition, defining circumstance, or qualifying conception; as, limitations of thought. ;; A certain precinct within which friars were allowed to beg, or exercise their functions; also, the time during which they were permitted to exercise their functions in such a district. ;; A limited time within or during which something is to be done. ;; A certain period limited by statute after which the claimant shall not enforce his claims by suit. ;; A settling of an estate or property by specific rules. ;; A restriction of power; as, a constitutional limitation.
Limited : of Limit ;; Confined within limits; narrow; circumscribed; restricted; as, our views of nature are very limited.