Vocabulary : Limitless to Limoniad
Limitless : Having no limits; unbounded; boundless.
Limitour : See Limiter, 2.
Limmer : Limber. ;; A limehound; a leamer. ;; A mongrel, as a cross between the mastiff and hound. ;; A low, base fellow; also, a prostitute. ;; A man rope at the side of a ladder.
Limn : To draw or paint; especially, to represent in an artistic way with pencil or brush. ;; To illumine, as books or parchments, with ornamental figures, letters, or borders.
Limned : of Limn
Limner : A painter; an artist ;; One who paints portraits. ;; One who illuminates books.
Limniad : See Limoniad.
Limning : of Limn ;; The act, process, or art of one who limns; the picture or decoration so produced.
Limoges : A city of Southern France.
Limoniad : A nymph of the meadows; -- called also Limniad.
: Limonin, Limonite, Limosis, Limous, Limousine, Limp, Limped, Limper, Limpet, Limpid
: Limitarian, Limitary, Limitate, Limitation, Limited, Limitedly, Limitedness, Limiter, Limiting, Limitive
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary