Vocabulary : Limonin to Limpid
Limonin : A bitter, white, crystalline substance found in orange and lemon seeds.
Limonite : Hydrous sesquioxide of iron, an important ore of iron, occurring in stalactitic, mammillary, or earthy forms, of a dark brown color, and yellowish brown powder. It includes bog iron. Also called brown hematite.
Limosis : A ravenous appetite caused by disease; excessive and morbid hunger.
Limous : Muddy; slimy; thick.
Limousine : An automobile body with seats and permanent top like a coupe, and with the top projecting over the driver and a projecting front; also, an automobile with such a body.
Limp : To halt; to walk lamely. Also used figuratively. ;; A halt; the act of limping. ;; A scraper for removing poor ore or refuse from the sieve. ;; Flaccid; flabby, as flesh. ;; Lacking stiffness; flimsy; as, a limp cravat.
Limped : of Limp
Limper : One who limps.
Limpet : In a general sense, any hatshaped, or conical, gastropod shell. ;; Any one of many species of marine shellfish of the order Docoglossa, mostly found adhering to rocks, between tides. ;; Any species of Siphonaria, a genus of limpet-shaped Pulmonifera, living between tides, on rocks. ;; A keyhole limpet. See Fissurella.
Limpid : Characterized by clearness or transparency; clear; as, a limpid stream.
: Limpidity, Limpidness, Limpin, Limping, Limpingly, Limpitude, Limpkin, Limpness, Limpsy, Limsy
: Limitless, Limitour, Limmer, Limn, Limned, Limner, Limniad, Limning, Limoges, Limoniad
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary