Vocabulary : Liquescent to Liquidation

Liquescent : Tending to become liquid; inclined to melt; melting.
Liqueur : An aromatic alcoholic cordial.
Liquid : Flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid. ;; Being in such a state that the component parts move freely among themselves, but do not tend to separate from each other as the particles of gases and vapors do; neither solid nor aeriform; as, liquid mercury, in distinction from mercury solidified or in a state of vapor. ;; Flowing or sounding smoothly or without abrupt transitions or harsh tones. ;; Pronounced without any jar or harshness; smooth; as, l and r are liquid letters. ;; Fluid and transparent; as, the liquid air. ;; Clear; definite in terms or amount. ;; A substance whose parts change their relative position on the slightest pressure, and therefore retain no definite form; any substance in the state of liquidity; a fluid that is not aeriform. ;; A letter which has a smooth, flowing sound, or which flows smoothly after a mute; as, l and r, in bla, bra. M and n also are called liquids.
Liquid air : A transparent limpid liquid, slightly blue in color, consisting of a mixture of liquefied oxygen and nitrogen. It is prepared by subjecting air to great pressure and then cooling it by its own expansion to a temperature below the boiling point of its constituents (N -194 C; O -183 C.).
Liquidambar : A genus consisting of two species of tall trees having star-shaped leaves, and woody burlike fruit. Liquidambar styraciflua is the North American sweet qum, and L. Orientalis is found in Asia Minor. ;; The balsamic juice which is obtained from these trees by incision. The liquid balsam of the Oriental tree is liquid storax.
Liquidamber : See Liquidambar.
Liquidate : To determine by agreement or by litigation the precise amount of (indebtedness); or, where there is an indebtedness to more than one person, to determine the precise amount of (each indebtedness); to make the amount of (an indebtedness) clear and certain. ;; In an extended sense: To ascertain the amount, or the several amounts, of , and apply assets toward the discharge of (an indebtedness). ;; To discharge; to pay off, as an indebtedness. ;; To make clear and intelligible. ;; To make liquid.
Liquidated : of Liquidate
Liquidating : of Liquidate
Liquidation : The act or process of liquidating; the state of being liquidated.
Next : Liquidator, Liquidity, Liquidize, Liquidized, Liquidizing, Liquidly, Liquidness, Liquor, Liquored, Liquorice
Previous : Liquate, Liquation, Liquefacient, Liquefaction, Liquefiable, Liquefied, Liquefier, Liquefy, Liquefying, Liquescency
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