Vocabulary : Liquidator to Liquorice
Liquidator : One who, or that which, liquidates. ;; An officer appointed to conduct the winding up of a company, to bring and defend actions and suits in its name, and to do all necessary acts on behalf of the company.
Liquidity : The state or quality of being liquid.
Liquidize : To render liquid.
Liquidized : of Liquidize
Liquidizing : of Liquidize
Liquidly : In a liquid manner; flowingly.
Liquidness : The quality or state of being liquid; liquidity; fluency.
Liquor : Any liquid substance, as water, milk, blood, sap, juice, or the like. ;; Specifically, alcoholic or spirituous fluid, either distilled or fermented, as brandy, wine, whisky, beer, etc. ;; A solution of a medicinal substance in water; -- distinguished from tincture and aqua. ;; To supply with liquor. ;; To grease.
Liquored : of Liquor
Liquorice : See Licorice.
: Liquoring, Liquorish, Liquorous, Lira, Lire, Lirella, Lirelliform, Liriodendra, Liriodendron, Liripipe
: Liquescent, Liqueur, Liquid, Liquid air, Liquidambar, Liquidamber, Liquidate, Liquidated, Liquidating, Liquidation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary