Vocabulary : Listening to Litanies
Listening : of Listen
Lister : A spear armed with three or more prongs, for striking fish. ;; One who makes a list or roll. ;; Same as Leister. ;; A double-moldboard plow which throws a deep furrow, and at the same time plants and covers grain in the bottom of the furrow.
Listerian : Of or pertaining to listerism.
Listerism : The systematic use of antiseptics in the performance of operations and the treatment of wounds; -- so called from Joseph Lister, an English surgeon.
Listerize : To make antiseptic.
Listful : Attentive.
Listing : of List ;; The act or process of one who lists (in any sense of the verb); as, the listing of a door; the listing of a stock at the Stock Exchange. ;; The selvedge of cloth; list. ;; The sapwood cut from the edge of a board. ;; The throwing up of the soil into ridges, -- a method adopted in the culture of beets and some garden crops.
Listless : Having no desire or inclination; indifferent; heedless; spiritless.
Lit : of Light ;; of Light ;; a form of the imp. & p. p. of Light.
Litanies : of Litany
: Litany, Litarge, Litate, Litchi, Lite, Liter, Literacy, Literal, Literalism, Literalist
: Liss, Lissencephala, Lissom, Lissome, List, Listed, Listel, Listen, Listened, Listener
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary