Vocabulary : Litany to Literalist
Litany : A solemn form of supplication in the public worship of various churches, in which the clergy and congregation join, the former leading and the latter responding in alternate sentences. It is usually of a penitential character.
Litarge : Litharge.
Litate : Forked, with the points slightly curved outward.
Litchi : The fruit of a tree native to China (Nephelium Litchi). It is nutlike, having a rough but tender shell, containing an aromatic pulp, and a single large seed. In the dried fruit which is exported the pulp somewhat resembles a raisin in color and form. ;; A genus of East Indian sapindaceous trees consisting of a single species (Litchi Chinensis, syn. Nephelium Litchi) which bears the litchi nut.
Lite : Little.
Liter : Alt. of Litre
Literacy : State of being literate.
Literal : According to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical; as, the literal meaning of a phrase. ;; Following the letter or exact words; not free. ;; Consisting of, or expressed by, letters. ;; Giving a strict or literal construction; unimaginative; matter-of fast; -- applied to persons. ;; Literal meaning.
Literalism : That which accords with the letter; a mode of interpreting literally; adherence to the letter. ;; The tendency or disposition to represent objects faithfully, without abstraction, conventionalities, or idealization.
Literalist : One who adheres to the letter or exact word; an interpreter according to the letter.
: Literalization, Literalize, Literalized, Literalizer, Literalizing, Literally, Literalness, Literalty, Literary, Literate
: Listening, Lister, Listerian, Listerism, Listerize, Listful, Listing, Listless, Lit, Litanies
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary