Vocabulary : Litholatry to Lithonthryptic
Litholatry : The worship of a stone or stones.
Lithologic : Alt. of Lithological
Lithological : Of or pertaining to the character of a rock, as derived from the nature and mode of aggregation of its mineral contents. ;; Of or pertaining to lithology.
Lithologically : From a lithological point of view; as, to consider a stratum lithologically.
Lithologist : One who is skilled in lithology.
Lithology : The science which treats of rocks, as regards their mineral constitution and classification, and their mode of occurrence in nature. ;; A treatise on stones found in the body.
Lithomancy : Divination by means of stones.
Lithomarge : A clay of a fine smooth texture, and very sectile.
Lithonthriptic : Alt. of Lithonthryptic
Lithonthryptic : Same as Lithontriptic.
: Lithontriptic, Lithontriptist, Lithontriptor, Lithophagous, Lithophane, Lithophosphor, Lithophosphoric, Lithophotography, Lithophyll, Lithophyse
: Lithoglyptics, Lithograph, Lithographed, Lithographer, Lithographic, Lithographical, Lithographing, Lithography, Lithoid, Lithoidal
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary