Vocabulary : Lithontriptic to Lithophyse

Lithontriptic : Having the quality of, or used for, dissolving or destroying stone in the bladder or kidneys; as, lithontriptic forceps. ;; A lithontriptic remedy or agent, as distilled water.
Lithontriptist : Same as Lithotriptist.
Lithontriptor : See Lithotriptor.
Lithophagous : Eating or swallowing stones or gravel, as the ostrich. ;; Eating or destroying stone; -- applied to various animals which make burrows in stone, as many bivalve mollusks, certain sponges, annelids, and sea urchins. See Lithodomus.
Lithophane : Porcelain impressed with figures which are made distinct by transmitted light, -- as when hung in a window, or used as a lamp shade. ;; Porcelain impressed with figures which are made distinct by transmitted light, as in a lamp shade.
Lithophosphor : A stone that becomes phosphoric by heat.
Lithophosphoric : Pertaining to lithophosphor; becoming phosphoric by heat.
Lithophotography : Same as Photolithography.
Lithophyll : A fossil leaf or impression of a leaf.
Lithophyse : A spherulitic cavity often with concentric chambers, observed in some volcanic rocks, as in rhyolitic lavas. It is supposed to be produced by expanding gas, whence the name.
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