Vocabulary : Loadstone to Loan
Loadstone : Alt. of Lodestone
Loaf : Any thick lump, mass, or cake; especially, a large regularly shaped or molded mass, as of bread, sugar, or cake. ;; To spend time in idleness; to lounge or loiter about. ;; To spend in idleness; -- with away; as, to loaf time away.
Loafed : of Loaf
Loafer : One who loafs; a lazy lounger.
Loafing : of Loaf
Loam : A kind of soil; an earthy mixture of clay and sand, with organic matter to which its fertility is chiefly due. ;; A mixture of sand, clay, and other materials, used in making molds for large castings, often without a pattern. ;; To cover, smear, or fill with loam.
Loamed : of Loam
Loaming : of Loam
Loamy : Consisting of loam; partaking of the nature of loam; resembling loam.
Loan : A loanin. ;; The act of lending; a lending; permission to use; as, the loan of a book, money, services. ;; That which one lends or borrows, esp. a sum of money lent at interest; as, he repaid the loan. ;; To lend; -- sometimes with out.
: Loanable, Loaned, Loanin, Loaning, Loanmonger, Loath, Loathe, Loathed, Loather, Loathful
: Lloyd's, Lo, Loach, Load, Loaded, Loader, Loading, Loadmanage, Loadsman, Loadstar
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary