Vocabulary : Loanable to Loathful
Loanable : Such as can be lent; available for lending; as, loanable funds; -- used mostly in financial business and writings.
Loaned : of Loan
Loanin : Alt. of Loaning
Loaning : of Loan ;; An open space between cultivated fields through which cattle are driven, and where the cows are sometimes milked; also, a lane.
Loanmonger : A dealer in, or negotiator of, loans.
Loath : Hateful; odious; disliked. ;; Filled with disgust or aversion; averse; unwilling; reluctant; as, loath to part.
Loathe : To feel extreme disgust at, or aversion for. ;; To dislike greatly; to abhor; to hate. ;; To feel disgust or nausea.
Loathed : of Loathe
Loather : One who loathes.
Loathful : Full of loathing; hating; abhorring. ;; Causing a feeling of loathing; disgusting.
: Loathing, Loathingly, Loathliness, Loathly, Loathness, Loathsome, Loathy, Loaves, Lob, Lobar
: Loadstone, Loaf, Loafed, Loafer, Loafing, Loam, Loamed, Loaming, Loamy, Loan
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary