Vocabulary : Lobate to Lobbying
Lobate : Alt. of Lobated
Lobated : Consisting of, or having, lobes; lobed; as, a lobate leaf. ;; Having lobes; -- said of the tails of certain fishes having the integument continued to the bases of the fin rays. ;; Furnished with membranous flaps, as the toes of a coot. See Illust. (m) under Aves.
Lobately : As a lobe; so as to make a lobe; in a lobate manner.
Lobbed : of Lob
Lobbied : of Lobby
Lobbies : of Lobby
Lobbing : of Lob
Lobbish : Like a lob; consisting of lobs.
Lobby : A passage or hall of communication, especially when large enough to serve also as a waiting room. It differs from an antechamber in that a lobby communicates between several rooms, an antechamber to one only; but this distinction is not carefully preserved. ;; That part of a hall of legislation not appropriated to the official use of the assembly; hence, the persons, collectively, who frequent such a place to transact business with the legislators; any persons, not members of a legislative body, who strive to influence its proceedings by personal agency. ;; An apartment or passageway in the fore part of an old-fashioned cabin under the quarter-deck. ;; A confined place for cattle, formed by hedges. trees, or other fencing, near the farmyard. ;; To address or solicit members of a legislative body in the lobby or elsewhere, with the purpose to influence their votes. ;; To urge the adoption or passage of by soliciting members of a legislative body; as, to lobby a bill.
Lobbying : of Lobby
: Lobbyist, Lobcock, Lobe, Lobed, Lobefoot, Lobe-footed, Lobelet, Lobelia, Lobeliaceous, Lobelin
: Loathing, Loathingly, Loathliness, Loathly, Loathness, Loathsome, Loathy, Loaves, Lob, Lobar
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary