Vocabulary : Loathing to Lobar
Loathing : of Loathe ;; Extreme disgust; a feeling of aversion, nausea, abhorrence, or detestation.
Loathingly : With loathing.
Loathliness : Loathsomeness.
Loathly : Loathsome. ;; Unwillingly; reluctantly. ;; (/) So as to cause loathing.
Loathness : Unwillingness; reluctance.
Loathsome : Fitted to cause loathing; exciting disgust; disgusting.
Loathy : Loathsome.
Loaves : of Loaf ;; pl. of Loaf.
Lob : A dull, heavy person. ;; Something thick and heavy. ;; To let fall heavily or lazily. ;; See Cob, v. t. ;; The European pollock. ;; The act of lobbing; specif., an (often gentle) stroke which sends a ball up into the air, as in tennis to avoid a player at the net.
Lobar : Of or pertaining to a lobe; characterized by, or like, a lobe or lobes.
: Lobate, Lobated, Lobately, Lobbed, Lobbied, Lobbies, Lobbing, Lobbish, Lobby, Lobbying
: Loanable, Loaned, Loanin, Loaning, Loanmonger, Loath, Loathe, Loathed, Loather, Loathful
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary