Vocabulary : Loitering to Lollardism
Loitering : of Loiter
Loiteringly : In a loitering manner.
Lok : Alt. of Loki
Loke : A private path or road; also, the wicket or hatch of a door.
Loki : The evil deity, the author of all calamities and mischief, answering to the African of the Persians.
Lokorys : Liquorice.
Loligo : A genus of cephalopods, including numerous species of squids, common on the coasts of America and Europe. They are much used for fish bait.
Loll : To act lazily or indolently; to recline; to lean; to throw one's self down; to lie at ease. ;; To hand extended from the mouth, as the tongue of an ox or a log when heated with labor or exertion. ;; To let the tongue hang from the mouth, as an ox, dog, or other animal, when heated by labor; as, the ox stood lolling in the furrow. ;; To let hang from the mouth, as the tongue.
Lollard : One of a sect of early reformers in Germany. ;; One of the followers of Wyclif in England.
Lollardism : Alt. of Lollardy
: Lollardy, Lolled, Loller, Lolling, Lollingly, Lollipop, Lollop, Loma, Lomata, Lomatinous
: Log-ship, Logwood, Logy, Lohock, Loimic, Loin, Loir, Loiter, Loitered, Loiterer
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary